

Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience (FIBER), USA
Is a research center at the University of Florida. It works across scales from individual experience to buildings, neighborhoods and landscapes, contributing to resilience research and practice by integrating knowledge and assisting communities to build adaptive capacity, strength and well-being. Through research, synthesis, and design at the interface of human, built environment and ecological systems, FIBER is positioned to respond to the complex threats faced by communities living in fragile environments.


Jeff Carney
Director and Associate Professor

David Rifkind
Director of School of Architecture and Professor

Carla Brisotto
Assistant Director and Assistant Scholar

Eban Bean
Assistant Professor

Whittaker Schroder
Assistant Professor

Karla Saldaña
Assistant Professor

Jason von Meding
Associate Professor

Andrea Galinski
Assistant Professor

Christian Calle Figueroa
Assistant Scholar

Other team members:

  • Forough Foroutan, FIBER Ph.D. Candidate
  • Andrea Volonterio, Agronomo e verde urbano, FIBER exchange scholar


The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), Italy
Is a leading international institute providing cross-cutting rigorous research on Economy, Energy and Environment at global and local scale. FEEM carries out independent high-quality research addressing the world’s greatest challenges, like climate change and sustainable development, to foster a widespread understanding of global issues among stakeholders and to contribute to policy engagement. For years, it has been promoting research, initiatives, activities and projects in the Ravenna and Basilicata areas.


Cristiano Re
Head of Territory projects​

Alessandro Raffa
Associate Researcher, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Assistant Professor Unibas

Tiziana Perri
Senior Researcher

Annalisa Percoco
Senior Researcher

Organization and communication staff

Angela Voce
Organizing committee

Matteo Bernecoli
Webmaster designer

Caterina Verrone
Web designer

Francesco Forte
Organizing committee


Matteo Bernecoli, web designer
Francesco Forte, stakeholder engagement
Tiziana Perri, stakeholder engagement
Caterina Verrone, graphic designer
Angela Voce, coordinator